(S. 434.
without food he may die of himself.' कह वि आणियं होजा । Erz. "It may be brought somehow.'. Ability : par en agur sur rentfest i U. 18.10. "The monk, when angry, may burn crores of men by his lustre.' Doubt: Pata që FRUI forem I Sut. 'What can there be after death ?' obat gur CA Häll Vas. 9.11.' Who can this be? 'Supposition: fotel faut fit a fi i Das. 9.1.9. “It may be that he may break the mountain with his head.'
435 Negatively it expresses impossibility, improbability : e ParTTI U. 14.15. How can one be careless?' a
Suj spil Das.. 12.10. If he does not get a good campanion.'
436 It is used in conditional sentences. Ugri T HAO El gat CESTÀ TIHO I Sut. 1.7.16. 'If water were to remove the dirt of Karma then happiness may be merely a matter of desire.
437 A form of the potential is often used to express a past action. आभरणाणि य सव्वाणि सारहिस्स पणामए। U. 22.20. ' He gave all his ornaments to the charioteer.' TIT STÅ
TS HET43 SERI U. 18.41. 'Having abandoned the best pleasures M. performed penance.'
VIII CAUSAL 438 The causal forms of the verb are often used in the sense of the primitive. BE SHITET RETT I Sur. 2.1. ' Now the caravan lived there.' Tawi groa Arti Erz. 'I will do all the desired object.'
439 On the other hand a few primitives may be used in the sense of the causal. Mi se fupra I Sur. 2.91. “It breaks the hearts of the travellers. ' CA I FAOI I Erz. 'I will make J. play.'