[S. 5.
when followed by a voiced aspiration. If to the voice is added friction the result is a voiced fricative Iv, z]. If it is given a lateral explosion it produces [1] and if trilled [r]. If to the vowel resonance of [i] and [u] friction is added by raising the tongue higher the result is a semi-vowel like [j] or [w]. If the friction is added in the glottis itself the result is the voiced [ĥ].
If the breath is obstructed in the mouth there follows an unvoiced stop like [k, t] (Tenues), which like all stops, consists of an implosion, a stop and an explosion. If followed by an aspirate, they result into aspirated voiceless stops like [kh, th]. According as the contact is against the soft or hard palate, or the gums of the teeth or the teeth or with the lips, they are called velars; palatals, alveolars, dentals or labials. If instead of a complete closure there is a narrow aperture giving rise to friction, there results a fricative like [s. c, S. Finally the affricatives result from the fact that the stop may be followed by a fricative instead of an abrupt opening like [fs dz.]