Initial _ल = न-नङ्गल ( लाङ्गल ), नंगूल ( लाङ्गूल ), निडाल ( ललाट ).
श = छ-छाव ( शाव ), छिरा (शिरा ). ष= छ- छ ( षष् ), छप्पय ( षट्पद ).
स = छ- छुहा (सुधा), छत्तिवण्ण (सप्तपर्ण ).
32. There is, in Amg., as in other Prakrits, a tendency to drop altogether syllables ( vowels and consonants with vowels) either at the beginning or in the middle of a word. When a syllable at the beginning of a word is dropped, it is usually an unaccented vowel as in f (इति), वि ( अपि after a vowel), पि (अपि after an अनुस्वार ), व (इव ), व्वं (इव after a short vowel), गिणि (अग्नि), तिउट्टइ ( अतिवर्तते ), वाहणा ( उपानह् ), वर्डिसय (अवतंसक), दग ( उदक ). Sometimes a syllable is dropped in the middle of a single word as in उम्बर ( उदुम्बर), अड (अवड अवट), जीय ( जीवियजीवित), सीया (शिबिका), सिय (सिचय ). In compound. expressions the last syllable of the first member, or the syllable at the commencement of the second member is dropped as in राउल ( राजकुल- रायउल), देउल ( देवकुल- देवउल ), पावडण (पादपतन पायवडण), पावीढ (पादपीठ- पायवीढ ), मच्छन्ध ( मत्स्यबन्ध ). सत्तट्ठी ( सप्तषष्टि), अवरत्त ( अवर + रत्त, अपररात्र ), एमेए ( एवं + एए, एवमेते), दन्तवण ( दन्तपवन), अणायण (अणाययण, अनायतन ). This second is nothing but a form of the philological phenomenon known as Haplology. Sometimes the final syllable of a word is dropped as in इ (इति).
33. There is one more phenomenon noticeable in Amg., as in other Prakrits, namely, the change of position of certain syllables in the body of a word. It is called Metathesis in philology. There are several well-known instances of this phenomenon-and grammarians have not given a complete list of words wherein it is visibleas वाणासी (वाराणसी), दीहर ( दीघर or दीरह from दीर्घ), वाहणा ( उपानह ), निडाल ( ललाट-नलाट), दिहि (धृति), रहस्स ( ह्रस्व ), ( परतिन्ना, परइन्ना, from प्रतिज्ञा ), पेरन्त ( परयन्त पयरन्त from