. One day, the king said " Is there any body in my kingdom who is fully conversant with the examination of well-bred horses? Thereupon, persons experienced in the training of horses and charioteering brought before him, out of a number of horses, a thorough- bred horse and said “The kingdom of the king, in whose territory this borse lives, always prospers more and more, in every way. Kings bow down before that: sovereign. That sovereign is not vanquished by others."
The king thought “Where can this horse be kept, separately, and well-taken-care of? Jinadās Sheth is compassionate and free from avarice. Let me therefore entrust bim, with the care of this animal.” Jinadas was thereafter called to the presence of the King and entrusted with the care of the horse. Jinadās took the horse to his house and having built a four-storeyed building for him, kept him there and fed him with nourishing food and drink materials. As the horse gradually increased in growth, the prosperity of the kingdom went on increasing abundantly.
Jinadās Sheth, riding the horse, daily took him to a neighbouring lake for a drink, and while returning home, he daily took the horse to the temple of Bhagavān Sri Rishabha-déva and went tbree times round the temple and respectfully bowed down before the image of the Lord.
Thus, the horse did not go to any other place except the lake, the temple and the bouse of Jindās and he did not know any other path.
A hostile king, knowing the horse to be the source of increase in prosperity of the kingdom, once said "Is there any body here who will bring that horse to me? I will give him five villages as a reward." Thereupon, a servant of his palace, assuming the guise of a genuine Sravaka went to Vasantapura, witb the permission of the king. There, he adored the Jinesvara