1. The number of persons who are enraged without provocation is limitless; persons enraged under provocation are numerous; but, in this world, those who do not become angry, even with sufficient provocation, are rare.
तं नथि घरं तं नत्थि राउलं, देउलं पितं नत्थि । जत्थ अकारणकुविया, दो तिन्नि खला न दीसंति ॥ २ ॥
2. Tam natthi gharam, tam natthi rāulam, dénlam pi tam vatthi;
Jattha a-kāraṇa kuviyā do tinni kbala na diganti.
2. There is neither a house nor a kingdom, nor a temple where two or three wicked persons who are enraged without provocation, do not become visible.
ईय॑या लभते जन्तु-रन्धत्वं परवश्यताम् ।
इहैवामुत्र नरकादि पुनदुःखमनुत्तरम् ॥ ३ ॥ 3. Irsyayā labhate jantu-randhatvam paravaśyatām . 1. Ihaivāmutra nara kādi pupa r-duhkha m-anuttaram. 3
3. By jealousy, a person acquires blindness and subsurvience to the will of another during this life, and on the other hand · he acquires overwhelming misery of hell etc in the next world.
In the same manner, O Lord! while trying to get a high and bigher prosperous state, you will meet with a misfortune, like the old woman Buddhi.
Jambū Kumāra replied O sweetheart! I will not, like a well-bred horse, go along a wrong path. Now, Beloved of the gods! hear this story.
In the town of axiagr Vasantapura, there was a very * virtuous and dutiful king named fwang Jitaśatru.