77. Bhānū a ii ké: vutté, Kèsi Goamamabbavi; Késimèvam buvantam tu Goamo iņamabbavi.
77. Śramaņa Kési Kınāra asked Gaṇadhara Mahārāja Indrabhuti Gautama," Which Sun did you say ? When Kesi Kumāra asked him in his way, Gañadhara Gautama replied thus:
उग्गओ खीण संसारो सव्वणू जिणभक्खरो ।
सो करिस्सइ उज्जो सव्वलोअम्मि पाणिणं ॥ ७८ ॥ 78. Uggao khiņa sa msāro savvaņņū Jiņı bhakkharo; So karissai ujjoam savvaloammi pāņiņam.
78. The Omniscient luminous Jina who has destroyed SEIT Samsāra, the cycle of mundane existence, has risen. He will enlighten, all the creatures in the whole universe.
साहु गोअम! पण्णा ते, छिन्नो मे संसओ इमो । अण्णो वि संसओ मज्झं, तं मे कहसु गोअमा! ॥ ७९ ॥
79. Sāhu Goama! paņņā té, chhinno mé samsao imo; Aņņo vi samsao majjham tam mé kahasu Goamā! :: 79. O Gautama! you are very intelligent. This doubt of mine has been removed (by you). I have also another doubt 0 Gautama ! ( please) tell me that.
सारीरमाणसे दुक्खे वज्झमाणाण पाणिणं । खेमं सिवमणाबाहं ठाणं किं मन्नसी? मुणी! ॥ ८०.
80. Särira ināņasè dukkhé vajjhamāņāņa pāņiņam; Khémam sivamanābāham thānam kim mannasi? Muni!
80. O Muni! which place do you consider as To Kshémam affording peace and security fita Sivam conferring prosperity, and parang Anābād ham, free from suffering, to creatures distressed by pbysical and mental miseries?