Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
1. My love is for a person hard to secure; great is my shyness; I am not the mistress of my self. Thus my dear friend, my love is (unequal i.e.,) unfortunate. He is socially high- up. Death seems to be the only way out.
2. Magician (Aindrajālika) addresses the King (the hero) "My lord,
Should the moon be shown on the earth, or a mountain in the sky or fire in water (of the ocean)
or dusk of early night at noon ? Give the command. (Or why waste many words?)
3. This is my solemn assertion. Through the power of my master's spells I can show
to you whatever you desire at heart to see.”
4. Lo and behold - in the case of a high - born virtuous woman her youthful
attractiveness, her loveliness, her amorous actions and graceful gestures take their leave of her when her dear husband departs (on a journey) and they all come back when he comes back home.
5. A smile that is innocent and not coy, a general bearing that is not marked by
deliberately worked up charms and graces and speech that is not calculated to please - these we find in chaste women in blessed homes.
6. Chaste women endowed with qualities like modesty, a complete adornment in
itself, total abstinence even from thoughts about other men and absence of naughtiness, are to be found (only) in the homes of the blessed.
7. The titillations and teasings women use in a game of love are pleasing so long
as they don't let their eye-lids fall shut as a drooping lotus lets its blue petals.
8. Her love for you is properly directed. She simply can't be wrong in making your
choice. In case you don't respond she may even die. Let her - I wouldn't speak to you about her but even death would be such a credit (or glory) to her.
9. Why talk of the madhūka flowers, traveller ? Even if you strip me of my panties
(lower garment from my hips) to whom shall I complain ? We are deep in the forest, the village is far out, and I am alone.
10. Her face is the same, her eyes have remained unchanged, and her youth is the