Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
Destiny has made for the perpetual journeys of her husband Kāla (Time - God of Death) - the tireless traveller.
(Verse 13 is corrupt and obscure.)
14. Visakhă (a cowherdess of that name) wept, 0, Krsna, with such inarticulate
speech, interrupted by sobs that none ( who witnessed her plight) would ever fall in love with another person even once in a hundred births!
15. For translation vide DHV S. No. (14.8) supra.
(Verse 16 is incomplete and obscure)
(Verse 17 is corrupt and obscure.) 18. With the help of the lamp of tremulous lightning the clouds see during the nights
if any of the ladies separated from their beloveds (still) continues to live (even) after hearing the loud thundering noise.
(Verse 19 is corrupt and obscure.)
20. Victorious, i.e., very fortunate is the third eye of Rudra (i.e.,Śiva) which was
sealed /shut with a kiss by Pārvati, while the pair of his normal eyes were covered by her with her sproutlike (tender) hands, when her garment / clothing was stripped off by him (Rudra = Siva) in the course of amorous dalliance
21. For translation vide VJ S.No. (20.23) supra.
22. Seșa (a celebrated mythological thousand - headed serpent) carrying on his hea
the orb of the earth (ku-valaya) with great ease as a water-lily (kuvalaya) wipeu out the pride of the rest of the people.
23. On the bank of the oblong lake (vāpi, with the reading "tavi' (Sk Tāpi - the river
Tāpī) O, my dear friend, where we go to bathe, there are some thickets (lit. are seen by us). They do not hold us by the hand, nor do they say any thing to
detain us, but they do not allow us to return. 24. For translation vide DHV S.No. (18.9) supra. 25. For translation vide DHV S.No. (43.14) supra.
(Verse 26 is treated in the Notes.)