Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
comment on the găthā runs as follows:
अत्र मोचन-वलन-विघटन-विश्रमाणां यथाक्रमं ग्रहण-प्रेक्षण-घटन-रमणानि विपरीतफलानि प्रयत्नविषयत्वेन निबद्धानि | - पृ. १६८.
Narendraprabha's comment reads : अत्र ग्रहणादिकार्यस्य सातिशयनिष्पत्तये मोचनादिक्रियारम्भः।
- पृ. ३०१. 71. This gāthā is already dealt with; vide ŚP S.No. (139.69), SK S.No. (77.355)
Narendraprabha, following Bhoja, cites this gāthā as an example of the figure
Anyonyam. His comment on the gatha runs as follows :- अत्र मिथोऽनुरागेऽङ्गुलीविरलीकरणेन धारातनूकरणेन च परस्परोपकार: प्रतीयमान:। - पृ. ३०४..
Obviously this is based on Bhoja's comments (See SK p. 347, first three lines).
72. This gāthā is already dealt with; vide KP S.No. (60.434), A'sarvasva S.No.
(53.446) supra.
Following Mammata and Ruyyaka, Narendraprabha cites this gātha as an example of the figure Pratīpa. His comment on the gāthā reads as follows:
अत्र वदनस्योत्कर्षाय चन्द्रस्य निकर्षाय चोपमानोपमेयत्वव्यत्ययः। - पृ. ३२०.
73. This gāthā is already dealt with; vide KP S.No. (62.434); A'sarvasva S.No.
(55.447) supra. Following Mammata and Ruyyaka, Narendraprabha cites this găthā as an example of the figure Atadguņa. His comment on the gāthā reads : अत्रोत्तरार्धेऽतिरक्तेनापि मनसा संयुक्तो न रक्ततां गत इत्यतद्गुणः। पूर्वाधे तु विभावना । - पृ. ३२३.
74. This gāthā is already dealt with; vide DHV S.No. (36.13), KP S.No. (56.433)
supra. Following Mammața, Narendraprabha cites this gātha as an example of the figure Uttaram [First variety when on merely hearing an answer the question (to which it is an answer) is inferred]. His comment on the gatha reads : अत्र हस्तिदन्त-व्याघ्रकृत्तीर्मम मूल्येन प्रयच्छेति क्रेतुवचनमुत्तरवाक्यादुन्नीयते । - पृ. ३२३.
75. This gāthā is already dealt with; vide KP S.No. (57.433), A'sarvasva S.No.
(56.447) Supra.