(WITH THE TIPPAŅA OF NAMISĀDHU) 1. (After) paying homage to the Morning/Evening Twilight bow down to Lord Siva
who received (the divine river) Gangă (descending from the heavens) (in the matted hair) on his head.
Bow down to Lord Siva who has received Ganga [in the matted hair) on his head and paid homage to Sandhya [Twilight). 2. According to Hari, Vștti (Diction) is classified into eight kinds : 1. madhura (sweet)
2. parusa (harsh] 3. komala (soft) 4. ojasvini (vigorous) 5. nisthură (rough) 6. lalità (graceful) 7. gabhira (deep or stately) and 8. sāmānyā [(=miśrā) mixed]
(Verses 3-13 are treated in the Notes.), 14. Look, the young ladies shut their eyes and somehow kiss at the old man's lip,
not without unwillingness as one drinks a bitter medicine. .
15. There is no end to the flirtatious ways of the beloved and similarly no end of
variations in the expression of good poets: there can be no repetition in either.