Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
than fasora."---
1092. Bhoja cites this gātha as an example of Juurid (GPRSTURIYU-GIANTRITT-37679)
1093. Bhoja cites this skandhaka as an example of 34161FH: (ggfart:). Prof. M. V.
Patwardhan comments : "In the second half, the words "quiRH AATHO ng a' do not present any difficulty – 'Though I gave no cause for your anger,) still a scandal (baseless scandalous rumour or report) about my unfaithful conduct has become the cause of your anger.' The word out (qualifying RATIH) really creates a problem. You have rendered it as a handy or convenient cause". I am not satisfied with the use of fun in this sense. We can get over the difficulty, if we read fog (= 100) (Voc. Sing.) instead of 1031 (= 4H). aradt - "Oh my dear love or wife". He cites it further on (p. 1208) with the introductory words : "faigua RUTIERRERA: praf IAI
1094. Read in the second half nits. Bhoja cites this skandhaka as an example of
3414FY: (otect:). He cites it further (on p. 1046) with the introductory words: (372T AHITATOUA | ---T) 34161 Theft - Prof. M. V. Patwardhan comments: "Your restoration and translation of the stanza are O.K. JUTUT in the fourth quarter must be understood in the sense सजणेण (= स्वजनेन). Supply fa after Jutut. Although you are my own beloved, you did not feel distressed (or sorry).' driver appears to be used here in the sense - 'feeling of intimacy'. Outside books on dramaturgy and poetics, pp has the general sense — 'feeling or sentiment'. Jutus ut Pauuj = FouTuo caur 7 Pa I impersonal construction - भावे प्रयोग according to Marathi grammar."
1095. See ŚP S. No. (1021.233) above. Bhoja cites it here as an example of JYSFT:
1098. Bhoja cites this skandhaka as an example of 34161H: (URT:). He cites it again
(p. 1208) with the introductory words : "HAMIA TRICHI I -". Prof. M. V. Patwardhan remarks: “We must understand 3terf to mean furt (considering, taking into consideration), even though the dictionary may not have recorded this sense. The words focar etc. are obscure, as we do not