Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
888. Bhoja cites this gatha as an example of चन्द्रोदय-निन्दा (चन्द्रोदय - moon-rise; निन्दा
- censure, reviling, reproach, condemnation); viues (H1YG FLCto fall or happen well, turn out well, to happen, occur. See the translation for urly-Aral.
889. Bhoja cites this gāthā as an alternative example of a sty-ARGI. See translation.
890. Bhoja cites this gāthā as an example of ups-forrar ( -farrer: disdain, beneath
one's notice.) See translation. For 300cchuyapat cf. im forifeythugar - GSS (VI.56); For the whole gāthă cf. MH : TIGRIRTA, Ç. 30.
891. Bhoja cites this gāthā as an alternative example of ars-
f . See translation. 892. This gātha is already dealt with; vide ŚP S. No. (390.123) supra. Bhoja cites
it here as an example of अभिसरण-साध्वस (- साध्वस - nervousness). See translation
893. Bhoja cites this gāthā as an alternative example of 31 THRUT-HECH. When the
young bride loses her virginity in the thicket by the riverside, the birds being embarrassed and dismayed fly up and flap their wings to remark 'how shameful', 'how shameful'.
894. This gāthā is already dealt with; vide ŚP S. No. (440.133) supra. Bhoja cites
it here as an example of 3TAHIROT - a (- film — incident, event; news). See translation.
896. This gātha is already dealt with; vide SP S. No. (484.142) supra. Bhoja cites
it here as an example of apudiaTIIT (The incident or event concerning a nāyikā who is deceived (वञ्चिता = विप्रलब्धा ) by her lover who fails to meet her at the rendezvous (which she has named or has been agreed upon). See translation.
897. Bhoja cites this gatha as an alternative example of वञ्चितावृत्तान्त. The हालिक-स्नुषा
had gone to the wood of reeds (ar) the rendezvous agreed upon, but the brother-in-law (her lover) had failed. She wore a tender vetasa leaf as ear-ornament and returned home and by a significant smile and glance she conveyed to her brother-in-law that he had failed to keep the appointment.
898. This gātha is already dealt with; vide ŚP S. No. (263.98) supra. Bhoja cites ___ it here as an example of परिभोग-दर्शन (परिभोग enjoyment, especially sexual