Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
head bent low and eyes full of tears.
432. Bhoja cites this gāthā as an example of
T 3TERISCYPE. See translation
433. Read in the Chāyā — deyaoisto and farigcettar. Bhoja cites this gātha as an
example of AST HEZIT. HIETUT — having many young men at its disposal; 34RRUTT
- (3Rru:) helpless; a gar31 — that was the evil consequence (of your breasts); FH - which were throbbing (lit. unsteady) because of nervous excitement or panic farigce:)
434. Bhoja cites this gāthā as an example of 8T ERHEZIT. The restoration of the
fourth quarter of the găthā is rather doubtful : "Your wife shows off her firm breasts and pride of her youth. That makes me furious. I desire you out of that feeling, and nothing else."
435. Bhoja cites this gāthă as an example of ph8T BETRT. The young woman after
quarreling with the wayfarer gave him a bundle of straw-stalks to make his bed in the night; however in the morning when he was gone and she collected the straw-stalks, she was weeping due to the memories of the love's delights she had with him overnight.
436. This gātha is already dealt with; vide SP S. No. (151.72) 'supra. Bhoja cites
this gāthā as an example of fat BCHEZIT. SK (p. 685, v. no. 383) cites this gāthā with the introductory remark "TaharructeT UIT—".
437. Read in the first half of the gatha TH-42 fa P93731. Bhoja.cites this gāthā as
an example of af8T 37 GHEZIT. Gātha-Kośa-504 reads the găthā as follows :
गामतरुणीओँ हिययं हरंति पोढाण थणहरुल्लीओ। मयणे लसंतकोसुंभकंचुआहरणमित्ताओ ।। (ग्रामतरुण्यो हृदयं हरन्ति प्रौढानां स्तनभारवत्य: । मदनोत्सवे लसत्कौसुम्भकञ्चुकाभरणमात्रा: ।।) GSW (545) reads छेआण for पोढाण and कुसुंभराइल्ल for लसंत-कोसुंभ.
438. Bhoja cites this gatha as an example of कनिष्ठा धीरोढमध्या. वोड d. दुष्ट ferocious or
vicious; faztuut (fausa) dead; 37TIT (:) The mother-in-law is intoxicated (HTI) by drinking wine (purchased by her or presented to her by some relative) for the festival (990737° - HEUCHT); 46 a Afc31 Horivor — the fence, the wooden barricade around the house has been broken by a (tresspassing) buffalo; TRY