Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
cf. Mar. परडे; पुष्ठिं पुससु-wipe your back clean brushing off the Ankotha leaves sticking there (as you lay in the backyard for sexual intercourse with your paramour -your younger brother-in-law). So that, O, simple one, you may not be detected by the watchful eyes of your brother-in-law's wives !
426. Bhoja cites this gatha as an example of कनिष्ठा अधीरमुग्धा. See translation.
427. Bhoja cites this gatha as an example of कनिष्ठा ऊढमुग्धा. SK (p. 39, v. no. 56)
cites this gatha to illustrate one of the vakyartha- dosas. It reads पास्सेण (?) वचंतो (पार्श्वेन व्रजन्) in place of वअणम्मि चुंबतो (वदने चुम्बन्). SK thus comments on it : अत्र प्रक्रान्तस्य नवपरिणयवतीस्वरूपभणनस्यानियूंढत्वात् खिन्नत्वम् । - सरस्वती, पृ. ३९.
Read also Ratnesvara's comments on this (p. 40).
428. Read in the first half of the gāthā HuracaR3i and in the corresponding Chāyā
मनोरथातिक्रान्तम्. Bhoja cites this gatha as an example of कनिष्ठा अनूढमुग्धा. The emendation of णिअरूवलावविअ to णिअरूवलावाणअ is very doubtful and its meaning too).
430. Bhoia cites this gatha as an example of कनिष्ठा धीरोढमग्धा. वेमभूपाल thus comme
upon this gatha : काचिदसती यून: श्रावयति "जइ विहु दिल्लिंदिलिआ ---". अत्र काचिदसती स्वदुहितरं प्रति, यद्यपि त्वं बाला तथापि विवसना मा भ्रम । विदग्धा ग्रामयुवानो दुहित्रा मातरमनुमान्तीति दुहितुर्यन्मदनमन्दिरं तथैव मातुरपीति निश्चिन्वन्तीत्यनेन वा दूतीवृत्त्या स्वकीयस्य मदनमन्दिरस्य मनोहरतां व्यञ्जयन्ती तान् प्रोत्साहयतीत्यभिप्राय: | --- सप्तशतीसार, पृ. ३०-३१.
431. Bhoja cites this gatha as an example of कनिष्ठा अधीरोढमुग्धा. Correct खु दुक्खिआ -
in the first half of the gatha - to थुडुंकिआ and in the corresponding Chaya खलु दुःखिता to रोष-मूका. For the correct form and meaning of the word, read "PK. THUDUMKIA - SULKY AND SILENT by Dr. H. C. Bhayani in JOR, Vol. XXIV Nos. 1 & 2, September-December 1974.
This gatha is cited again on p. 810 with the introductory remark : “(प्रकाशानुराग:) सामान्योढाविषयो यथा-"
The young married girl (lit. daughter-in-law) is having love-affair with her (younger) brother-in-law. Hearing that he would soon get married she became silent and sulky. Leaving the household work unattended, she goes around with