Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
described as his five arrows.
अच्छि (अक्षिविक्षोभा:)- darting of (sidelong) glances; पिअ (पिआ-प्रिया my beloved girl) the आ in पिआ is shortened for metre; संमुखागत - गत / अतिक्रान्त - वलित - these are the attributes of sidelong glances, cast at the speaker at the gāthā.
407. Bhoja cites this gathaas an example of मध्यमा धीरप्रगल्भा (परकीया). पुणरुत्त (पुनरुक्तशतम्)
- makes (कुणइ) me repeat several (lit. a hundred) times.
408. On p. 401 Bhoja cites this gatha as an example of the figure पिहित which,
according to him, is nothing but the figure मीलित; on p. 577 he cites it again as an example of अवहित्थम्. Here (on p. 640 ) he cites it as an example of मध्यमा अधीरप्रगल्भा (परकीया).
409. Bhoja cites this gatha as an example of मध्यमा ऊढप्रगल्भा (परकीया). जोक्कार-जयकार
salutation; हास (हास-कटाक्ष-उन्मिश्र) mixed with, that is, accompanied by smiles and sidelong glances.
410. Bhoja cites this gatha as an example of मध्यमा अनूढप्रगल्भा (परकीया). माउआ - मातृका.
or d. सखी (माऊआ सखी दुर्गा च । DSs p. 231). 411. This gāthā is already dealt with; vide ŚP S. No. (2.43) supra. Here it is cited
as an example of मध्यमा धीरोढप्रगल्भा (परकीया).
412. Bhoja cites this gathā as an example of मध्यमा धीरानूढप्रगल्भा (परकीया). वेअस' . (वेतस-कुआ:) thickets of reeds; आसण्ण (आसन्न-विवाहमङ्गलोद्गीत); आअण्णंता (आकर्णयन्त:)
- on hearing the auspicious song on the eve of my wedding; the thickets of reed are laughing at me along with the young men with whom I used to have sexual intercourse under those thickets.
413. Bhoja cites this gāthāas an example of HEZTHT BEIRIGYHETH. See the translation.
414. Bhoja cites this gatha as an example of मध्यमा धीरानूढप्रगल्भा. कज्जा (कार्यालाप एष:)
- this is the voice of business (of cool, calculated practical philosophy); RUTE स्नेहमार्ग एव न भवति यत् तेन विना जीव्यत इति ।
415. Bhoja cites this gatha as an example of कनिष्ठा. SK (p. 615, v. no. 141) cites
it with the introductory remark:"अनुभावेषु वाञ्छति यथा-".