Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
392. The first half of this gatha is quite intelligible, but the second half is equally
obscure: 0, young (charming) girl, you are adorable, very venerable like a deity.
Bhoja cites this gatha as an example of मध्यमानूढमुग्धा (परकीया). 393. Bhoja cites this gāthā as an example of HEZTHT EIRIGYTETT (Prechtent). See the
394. Bhoja cites this gatha as an example of मध्यमा धीरानूढमुग्धा (परकीया). SK ID. 636.
v. no. 228) cites it with the introductory remark : "(विप्रलम्भपरीष्टिषु) बहुमानेन (प्रेमपरीक्षा) यथा -".
395. Bhoja cites this gatha as an example of मध्यमा अधीरोढमुग्धा (परकीया). मा मा - Don't
do so (i. e., don't ignore her); मुअ (मुंच) परिहास - give up joking or jesting; अण-होरणा (अनावरणा) without any cover, sunshade; पासिज्जइ (= पसिज्जइ = प्रस्विद्यति) she is perspiring !; छाही (छाया) - shade.
396. Bhoja cites this gatha as an example of मध्यमा अधीरानूढमुग्धा (परकीया). The young
girl's hand drenched in perspiration clearly suggests her deep love for the young man who is about to strike her with fresh creeper- new twig--of mango or palāśa or of any tree. "The woman is enquired the name of her lover and when she does not speak out, she is struk with the fresh twig - which is but a symbol
of the new season and the 'striking' effect of love." - V. Raghavan (pp. 93-94). 397. Bhoja cites this gāthāas an example of HEZTHT HEZIT (R AT). See the translation.
398. Bhoja cites this gatha as an example of मध्यमा धीरमध्या (परकीया). SK (p. 641, v.
no. 247) cites this gatha with the introductory remark : “विप्रलम्भनिरुक्तिषु प्रथमानुरागे प्रतिश्रुत्यादानं यथा-", and comments upon the gatha thus : अत्र वक्रेक्षितादिभिः प्रतिश्रुत्यालिङ्गनादयो हीभयादिभिर्न दीयन्ते ।
399. Bhoja cites this gatha as an example of मध्यमा अधीरमध्या (परकीया). फग्गु (फलगत्सव
- वसन्तोत्सव-निर्दोषम्) -unobjectionable in the spring festival; छण (क्षण) a festival, cr. Mar. - सण: पसाहणं (प्रसाधनम्) - decoration, adornment (of mud); थण (स्तनकलशमुख-प्रलुठत् स्वेद-धौतम्)-washed away (धौत) by the perspiration gushing out from the tips of your pitcher-like breasts.
400. Bhoja cites this gatha as an example of मध्यमा ऊढमध्या (परकीया). दोअंगुल
(व्यंगल-कपाटक-पिनद्ध-सविशेष-नील-कञ्चुलिका) whose deeply blue (coloured) Choli is