Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
315. Bhoja cites this gatha as an example of अधीरोढा (नायिका).
हरिस+ऊससिआएँ (हर्ष+उच्छ्व सिताया: = उल्लसित, पुलकित).There is a variant reading हासूसलियाए (हास्य-पुलकिताया:). Hemacandra records : 'ऊसलिअंसरोमञ्चे' (DSS p. 55). Bhuvanapala too says : ऊसलिओ पुलकित: । The editor of PSM(p. 189) read ऊसुइअ (उत्सुकित),as reference is given to this gatha. Bhuvanapala remarks on this gatha:
स्वेद-पुलकोत्कम्पा: सात्त्विका भावा: । अनुरागातिशयवर्णनपरा इयम् उक्ति: । ---- हेतुसूक्ष्माभ्यां संकरोऽलंकारः । - पृ. १४४.
316. Bhoja cites this gatha as an example of अधीरानूढा (नायिका).
The भविष्यत् -' वधू listens to the auspicious wedding songs in which the name of the bridegroom is mentioned. As she catches the name in the wedding songs, she is drenched in perspiration due to her great love for the prospective husband.
317. This gāthā is already dealt with; vide SPS. No. (218. 87) supra. Here he cites
it as an example of उढा (नायिका). SK (p.594) cites this gatha with the introductory remark "तद् (= सुप्त -) रूपेण रसप्रकर्षो यथा - " and thus comments on it : अत्र निर्भरपदेनैव प्रकर्षः प्रतिपाद्यते । सरस्वती, पृ. ५९४.
318. Bhoja cites this gatha as an example of अनूढा (नायिका). Bhuvanapāla remarks :
तं वीक्ष्य यद् इतरपुरुषावेक्षणनिरपेक्षं मुखं सजलां दृशं वहति, तेन अनुमीयते अनुपमरूपसंपत्संपन्नोऽसौ युवेत्यर्थः। --- विरोधच्छायानुमानाभ्यां संकीर्णोऽलंकार :। - पृ. ७० - ७१.
319: Bhoja cites this gatha as an example of धीरोढमुग्धा (नायिका). Further on he cites
it as an example of 'प्रीति:' - (p. 788).
320. Bhoja cites this gatha as an example of धीरानूढमुग्धा (नायिका).
The throbbing of the left eye of a woman is believed to be indicative of
some auspicious thing to happen. 321. Bhoja cites this gatha as an example of अधीरमुग्धा (नायिका). SK (p. 645, v. no.
260) cites it with the introductory remark : "माने मान्यते येनेति यथा -" and comments upon it : अत्र 'मान पूजायाम्'---- मान इति रूपम् ।)
स हि प्रेयांसमस्या: पादपतनादिपूजायां प्रयोजयति । - सरस्वती, पृ. ६४५ - ६४६.