Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
50. This gatha is also cited in KP (p. 187) GS(W) No 963 and Sss (No. 101).
The readings in the latter two texts are identical: खणपाहुणिआ देअरजाआ ए सुहअ कि ति दे भणिआ । रुअइ घरोपंतफलिणिघरम्मि अणुणिज्जउ वराई ॥
The first half of this gātha when thus read, presents difficulties in finding a consistent meaning. The KP reads देअर जाआए सुहअ in place of DHV's 'देअर एसा जाआएँ KP text has two vocatives देअर and सुहअ -- rather odd. Locana readings are easy to construe and yield a consistent meaning; the comments of Locana may partly be reproduced here for the benefit of readers: क्षण उत्सवस्तत्र निमन्त्रणेनानीता हे देवर. एषा ते जायया किमपि भणिता रोदिति । पडोहरे शून्ये वलभीगृहे अनुनीयतां वराकी । सा तावदेवरानुरक्ता तज्जायया विदितवृत्तान्तया किमप्युक्ता--- ।
Balabodhini's comments (p. 187) also deserve attention : --- दीना अनुनीयता समाधीयतामित्यर्थः । अत्रानुनय: रोदननिर्वतको व्यापार: तेन संभोगो व्यङ्ग्यः गृहपश्चाभागे यद् वलभीगृहं तत्र) इत्यनेन विजनता, क्षणप्राघुणिकेत्यनेन दु:खातिशयौचित्यम, स्वगृहे उत्सवसत्त्वेन सर्वेषां जनानां व्यासक्तचित्तत्वं
51. Gahakosa (p. 295) reads this gatha somewhat differently: अहिणवपाउसरसिएसु सहइ
सामाइएसु दियहेसु । रहसपरिग्गहियाणं व नचियं मोरविंदाणं ॥ (अभिनवप्रावृड्रसितेषु शोभते श्यामायितेषु
दिवसेषु । रभसपरिगृहीतानामिव नृत्तं मयूरवृन्दानाम् ॥ 52. Cf Gaidavaho v. no.66 : ठिअमट्ठिअं व दीसइ अठिअं पि परिट्ठिअं व पडिहाइ । जह संठिअं च
दीसइ सुकईण इमाओ पयईओ ॥
[स्थितमस्थितमिव दृश्यते ऽस्थितमपि परिष्ठितमिव प्रतिभाति । यथासंस्थितं च दृश्यते सुकवीनामेता: पदव्यः ।।
53. The hunter's wife is in the prime of youth and of wondrous beauty. The hunter
is enchanted by her youthful and wondrous beauty. He is given therefore to excessive love making and as a result is now too weakened to kill a bull-elephant with a single arrow and carries quiverful of arrows.
54. Dr Masson and Patwardhan comment on this gātha as follows: Now the vyangya
- vastu is, according to Ananda himself, that when the lover touches the woman, even accidentally, she trembles all over --- This is a hackneyed idea. Apparently the vacyártha, namely that a particular side of the nāyikā, touched accidentally by the nayaka, is sweating etc., is not a hackneyed idea, but is aksunna. Obviously Ananda saw a difference, for it is this vacyártha that gives rise to