Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
defect called Punarukta (Repetition).
The text as printed in the NS edn (p.149) is defective : न हुघट इताणअवही नयने दीसंति कह वि पुणरुत्ता । जेवि सनापियआणं अत्था वा सूकईवाणीए ।।
घटुइ is a misreading for घडइ, ने for ते, and जे वि सनापियआणं for जे बिब्भमा पियाणं
(It is corrected keeping in view its text as presented in Dhvanyāloka IV p. 539. (Vide DHV S.No. (57.18) infra.
Anandavardhana introduces the gatha with the words "दर्शितमेव चैतद् विषमबाणलीलायाम्" and he informs us in his DHV (p. 265) that Visamabanalita is his own work: यथा वा ममैव विषमबाणलीलायाम् ।
Namisadhu adds a significant remark : उद्भटस्तु सर्वत्रात्र पुनरुक्ताभासालंकारत्वमाचष्टे।-p. 69