Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
283 Read Desi.p. 274: संदट्ठयं संलग्नम् - 'क' प्रत्ययाभावे संदहें इति अपि । संदाणिअ (संदानित = संस्पृष्ट) (1370.292) the ground covered (with her bosom). संदाणे (संदानय्) (169.374) to hold back, to be reluctant to part with. संपत्तिआ (= पिप्पली - पत्र) (82.561) Pippala leaf. सब्भाव (सद्भाव) (144.71) good disposition, favourable attitude. संभर (सं + स्मृ) (679.175) to remember. संभरण (संस्मरण) (247.95) recollection, remembrance. समल्लिअ (सम् + आ + ली) (885.210) to approach (stealthily, softly or gently) or embrace. समुक्खअ (समुक्खाअ) (= समुत्खात) (569.156) pulled out, extricated.
For the shortening of आ into अ, read H. 8.1.67:
वा अव्यय-उत्खातादौ अद् आत: । समुप्फुसिअ (संप्रोञ्छित - समुन्मृष्ट (13.451) wiped out समुप्फुस d (समुन्मृज्) to wipe out, rub out – (13.451) wiped out.] समुव्वसिओ (? समुप्फुसिओ) (= संप्रोञ्छित : । समुन्मृष्ट :) (22.24) wiped out. समूसस (समुच्छ्व स ?) (228.90) to breathe heavily or give out sighs. सम्मर (? संभर) (सं + स्मृ) (6.541) to remember, think of. सरअ (शरद् fem.) (180.78) autumn. सलाहिर (श्लाघनशील) (244.389) praising. सवणमाल (स-वनमाल / सव्रण-माल) (117.568) (i) wearing a garland of forest-flowers (said
of Visnu - Krsna) (ii) (lower lip) marked by a series of tooth-bites. संवरण (संवरण) (144.71) concealment. ससि-मणि (शशि / चन्द्रकान्त - मणि) (253.96) the moon-stone. सम्हत्थतालं (सहस्ततालम्) (148.72) clapping their hands. स-हिअअ (सहृदय) (15.22) a connoisseur, a sensitive, sympathetic and appreciative
reader (or spectator). सहिआ (= सहीआ = सखी) (124.66) a female friend, a lady's maid. साणी (शाणी) (220.384) a whetting stone.