Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
135. For translation vide SPS. No. (231.91) supra.
136. For translation vide SPS. No. (244.94) supra.
137. You will think highly of Sacī, dear Indra, and regard her as the most beautiful one so long as that World Beauty queen does not come within the range of your sight. 15
138. He alone who can stomach the deadly Kalakūta poison, which is potent enough to kill a human being, will withstand, my friend, the terrible, scathing words of the slanderers (or backbiters).
139. My dear, to whom exactly are you offering homages under the guise of homage to the sun? (Not to the Sun-God surely.) You see homages to gods are not accompanied like this by smiles and sidelong glances.
140. The farmer's son has already picked all the cotton bolls, but look at the young bride's hand which only feels the plants and gets the thrill of excitement and sweats at finger-tips. 16
141. He spoke to her in the midst of other people, by his eyes dilated with joy (or, with people around he spoke to her with his meaningful eyes, big with joy); she too responded to him with her profusely perspiring limbs. (or, she perspired yes.)
142. For translation vide SPS. No. (1423.303) supra.
143. For translation vide KP S. No. (28.425) supra.
144. For translation vide SP S. No. (126.67) supra.
145. For translation vide SK S. No. (56.351) supra.
15. The word 'World' stands for the three worlds taken collectively. 16. SPS. No. (422.129) supra.