1. For translation vide ŚPS. No. (87.58) supra. 2. For translation vide ŚPS. No. (88.58) supra. 3. For translation vide ŚP S. No. (90.59) supra.
For translation vide ŚP S. No. (91.59) supra 5. For translation vide ŚP S. No. (89.59) supra 6. For translation vide śP S. No. (92.59) supra 7. For translation vide ŚP S. No. (93.60) supra 8. For translation vide ŚP S. No. (94.60) supra 9. For translation vide ŚP S. No. (95.60) supra. 10. For translation vide ŚP S. No. (96.60) supra. 11. For translation vide ŚP S. No. (97.60) supra 12. For translation vide ŚP S. No. (98.61) supra
13. How could the earlier poets have failed to observe and note everything whatever
is there on the path they have taken ? This may be true; if, however, the (traditional and conventional) borders be given up (and the horizons of Imagination be widened) all topics would be just new to him (the later poet) too !
14. O, wayfarer, in this village which is a stony place there is hardly any possibility
of your getting the pleasure of a comfortable bed. If, however, the rising clouds persuade (or tempt) you to stay overnight, you sure are welcome. (If, however, seeing my swelling breasts, you want to come here and stay overnight, you are welcome.)
15. For translation vide SP S. No. (265.98) supra. 16. For translation vide ŚP S. No. (32.48) supra.