Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
and then only on that celestial (Parijata). tree (that spread the fragrance.) 1643. Then her eyes, lovely likes lotus, overflowing with the feeling of love, and tremulous through (or under the influence of) love, first rested on her dear husband, Hari, and then only on the excellent tree, namely Pärijäta.
1645. "Look here at this your own excellent tree (Pārijāta)" when her dear husband uttered these words, indicative of his profound love (for her), her immense satisfaction found free scope to spread (over her whole body). 1646. For translation vide SPS. No. (1250.272) supra
1647. When the delusion ended and the sound of the Vanaras preparing for the battle was heard, Sītā realized the significance of Trijatā's advice (lit. speech) which was prompted by her affection and loyalty to her.
1648. When the young women remember to collect their garments, in their nervous hurry, they don't collect them; even if they collect, they don't care to cover their bodies with them. And even if they do cover their bodies, they don't care to retain them there for long.
(Verse 1649 is corrupt and obscure.)
1650. (In their simple and natural way of life) in the forest a deer and doe earn their food and water on their own. Their love remains unaffected till the end (and they set an ideal for everyone).
1651. For translation vide SPS. No. (297. 104) supra
1652. For translation vide SPS. No, (244. 94) supra
1653. Love which is broken and later patched up but which again suffers a setback on witnessing a fresh case of lapse loses all its taste like water first boiled and later cooled.
1654. For translation vide SPS. No. (1198. 262) supra 1655. For translation vide SPS. No. (1196. 262) supra