(2) Kamala (Neu.): (i) (Kamala+ ni) = Kamali
(Locative Singular) (Kamala + ni) -Kamale (Locative Singular)
5. foreign
14/335 Bhisyedva Bhisyedvå [(Bhisi)+(Et)+(Vā)] Bhisi (Bhis) 7/1 Et (Et) 1/1 Vå - alternatively Alternatively, on having bhis after a-ending'words, the a becomes e. Alternatively, on having bhis (suffix of Instrumental Plural) after a-ending Masculine and Neuter words, the ending vowel
a becomes e. (1) Deva (Mas.): (Deva + bhis) = (Deve + bhis) (2) Kamala (Neu.): (Kamala+bhis) = (Kamale+bhis) :
By applying Sūtra 4/347, there occur: (i) (Deve+ bhis) = (Deve + him) : Devehim
(Instrumental Plural) (ii) (Kamale+ bhis)= (Kamale + him)- Kamalehim
(Instrumental Plural)
4/336 Naserhe-Hú Naserhe-Hú ((Naseh)+ (He)- (Hu)] Naseh (Nasi) 6/1[(He)- (Hu) 1/2] There occur he and hu in place of nasi After a-ending Masculine and Neuter words, there occur he
and hu in place of nasi (suffix of Ablative Singular). (1) Deva (Mas.): (i) (Deva+ nasi)= (Deva+ he) - Devahe
(Ablative Singular)
Advanced Apabhraṁsa Grammar (Part-1)
Jain Education International
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