The omniscient occupies himself with the third type of Śukla-dhyāna (Sükṣmakriyapratipatin) when an Antarmuhurta (48 minutes) remains in final emancipartion."2 After establishing himself is gross bodily activity, he makes the activities of mind and speech subtle. 93 Then after renouncing the bodily activity, he fixes himself in the activities of mind and speech, and makes the gross bodily activity subtle.94Afterwards mental and vocal activities are stopped "5 and only subtle activity of body is left.
In the last type of Sukla-dhyana (Vyuparatakriyanivartin) even the subtle activity of body is stopped. The soul now becomes devoid of mental, vocal and physical vibrations, and immediately after the time taken to pronounce five syllables it attains disembodied liberation.9
Amita. Śrāva .... Amitagati-Śrāvakācāra (Anantakīrti
Digambara Jaina Granthamālā, Bombay).
Anagā Dharmā (Khusālacanda Gandhi, Solapur)
Anagāradharmāmṛta of Āśādhara
Bhaga. Ārā........ Bhagavati-Ārādhanā (Sakhārāma Nemacanda Digambara Jaina Grantha-mālā, Solapur)
Istopa. Istopadeśa of Pujyapāda (Rāyacandra Jaina Sastramāla, Bombay)
Jnānā Jnānārṇava of Subhācandra (Rāyacandra Jaina Śāstramālā, Bombay)
Kārti. Kartikeyanuprekṣā (Rāyacandra Jaina Śāstramālā, Bombay)
Mūlā..... Mūlācāra of Vaṭṭakera (Anantakirti Digambara Jaina Granthamālā, Bombay)
Jain Education International
Spiritual Awakening (Samyagdarśana) and Other Essays
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