qualities, the destruction of conceitedness, and lastly the attainment of emancipation.31
(3) The rendering of service to saints by means of medicine, preaching etc. when they are overwhelmed by disease, Parişahas and perversities is called Vaiyāvíttya. 32 This austerity is performed for uprooting the feeling of abhorrence of dirt, disease etc., for spiritual realization, and for revealing affection for the spiritual path.13
*(4) Scriptural study or Svadhyaya, in the first place, comprises the fact of faultlessly making intelligible either the words or meaning or both to the person curious to learn. 34 secondly, the asking of questions with a view to clear away doubts or to confirm one's conviction regarding words and meanings, or both;35 thirdly, the constant dwelling upon the assimilated meaning36 fourthly, the fact of memorizing the scriptures and their repeated revision with unerring pronunciation,37 fifthly, the moral preachings illustrated with the life of great men.38
Scriptural study can enlighten the essence of life, foster self-control, direct the mind from the “abyss of sensuality to the plane of the spirit”39, instill the spirit of detachment, inspire the pursuance of noble path, and develop fraternal feelings with all beings40. Besides, it confers upon the aspirant the benediction that senses are restrained, mental concentration is obtained, and humbleness pours in.41 The man with the knowledge of Sūtras saves himself from being led astray, just as the needle with threat is not lost. 42 Pūjyapāda points out that the purpose of Svādhyāya is to enrich intellect, to refine moral and spiritual efforts, to infuse detachment and fear from the mundane miseries, to effect an advancement in the practice of austerities, and to purify defects that may occur when one pursues the divine path.43
Spiritual Awakening (Samyagdarśana) and Other Essays
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