to my deep regard for and indebtedness to Dr. Upadhye. I have no doubt that owing to my long association with Dr. Upadhye I have developed a sort of love for Prakst and Apabhraísa studies.
Here I should not forget to mention that because of my increasing interest in Prakrt and Jainological studies, Dr. Upadhye, it seems to me, developed some sort of affection for me. It happened that in one of the conference in Delhi, he went to my room for conveying something to me, but unfortunately my room was locked. So he returned and did not tell me anything. Even today, I remember this misfortune.
In the end, I express my deep sense of gratitude to Upadhyaya Gyan Sagarji Maharaj who invited me to attend this national seminar on the life and works of Dr. A. N. Upadhye through Dr. Ashok Kumar Jain, Ladnun and Prof. Shubha Chandra, Mysore.
Spiritual Awakening (Samyagdarśana) and Other Essays
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