dealt with in the Agams where the drac-leshu and bhan-leshyu are separately described. It essentially means sukshm pudgals (quadons and octons) which contain the information of colour.
Leshya is a fact of our lives. It is a mirror which images our mental and physical health. Once this is studied, clue to our refinement and improvisation can be obtained. Owing to this fact, people are employing the aura to diagnose certain diseases as well as to alleviate psychosomatic symptoms for a better way of life.
4.4. Aura and Ailments
Mahapragva stresses the fact that the aura contains an encrypted message of our inner being. A wave front of corona forms an inseparable web around us. This pattern of radiance is dynamic as our thoughts are and it reflects everything including bonafide and malafide intentions. As is matter of common knowledge, all diseases have their seeds in the micro-organisms of the body. The presence of such harmful activities al micro level are manifested in our aura and if detected in time, curative process may be initiated well in advance before they incubate to spread as an ailment.
An ingenious method is developed by Mahapragya as a part of his Preksha technique. This is Swash-preksha. This is found to be of help in containing various psychosomatic disorders. Respiratory process of inhalation and exhalation can be synchronised with the meditation of selected colours thereby cleaning the aura and emotions with it.
5. Scientific View point
in scientific realm, this subject has not been treated seriously so far and the research, if any, is only in its infancy. However, some correlating evidences are slowly emerging. Scientists have successfully photographed the thermal pictures of humans, animals and plants. All have an aura accompanying them. Its actual meaning with respect to the temperament and health is yet to be established, but some generalisations are now available. In the spectrum of visible light, the colour red is found of contain maximum energy and blue the least. Similar results are claimed by colour therapists who suggest that the red and orange colours are associated with anger and violence while the blue with gentleness.
When more and more practical results will follow from the efforts like
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