using high frequency cameras. Analysing the results of these photographs, she writes in her book, "Atom and Aura that the outer beauty of a person has little to do with the virtuosity. She states, “I have seen several mischievous characteristics in the aura of externally handsome and beautiful people. Conversely, there were several ugly looking personalities who possessed pristine, spotless and uncontaminated aura." She laments that today people have become more aware of their aesthetics but do not inculcate gracious thinking.
4.2. A Real Episode
Aura specialist Sh. Sunder Rajan has authentically analysed the aura of Mahapragya. He said, “Your aura is one of those rare personalities who are great. All the colours involved are sacred, brilliant and luminous. Your halo is abundant in yellow, blue and green colours which are indicative of acumen, intelligence and superlative vision. And the most remarkably noticeable property is that it contains no impure and distorted colour."
Mahapragya too has written extensively on this esoteric subject of aura. He says, "A person may be in front of us but his temperament remains veiled. What we see is a corporeal body, whereas the disposition of a person is difficult to comprehend. Is it possible to know one's characteristics without association? The answer lies in deciphering one's aura. This art deserves better exposure so that the hidden secretes of a complex mind can be effectively revealed."
4.3. Temperament and Aura
From the experiments of Preksha, it was established that the connection between the mental disposition is two way the aura surrounding a bio is manifestation of its mental and physical condition, at the same time, the deliberate concentration on colours (lesha) affect the psyche of a bio. Empirically, it is found that red colour drifts us towards anger while the blue instils drowsiness. In fact, colours or leshia have wide ranging effects on our behaviour and consequently on our success or failure.
A proper understanding of Principle of Leshya is essential to guide us towards a successful life. Malapragya says that the nodal point of soul and body is that part of our brain which is called "limbic system where our emotions generate. If in this section of brain, we meditate on the radiant colours, cleansing action on our emotions automatically starts. This process is named, leshyameditation. Leshya is a typical Jain classical word which has been extensively
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