Represents an amorous scene between a male and a female--the same figures repeated thrice. The first group shows the pair seated on a couch with arms entwined round each other's waist. In the second group, the lady is seated on the man's left knee and a table of refreshment before them. The third shows the couple seated on ground. Man's back is turned towards the lady. He is apparently trying to get away, while the lady seeks to restraint hiin.
Between the second and the third groups is a tree. 14. RĀNĪ GUMPHA-Upper storey, main wing. Left figure.
Here the place of usual guards is taken by two figures riding on animals. These are shown in profile facing each other.
The guard is seated astride on a bull. The figure however is much mutilated to determine
whether it is that of a male or a female. 15. RĀNI GUMPHĀ- View of the guard on the left-hand side.
Of an unusual interest. To front, 4' 4" in height. Wears a turban, a scarf, a short heavy tunic held in by a waist band and reaching below the knees, and boots or hose-up. A sword hangs to his left side.
This figure has given rise to the theory of IndoGreek or Kushan influence in Orissan sculpture and
architecture. 16. RĀNĪ GUMPHĀ- Upper story—south-east of the
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