Gordon V. Childe 16, 65 Gūdha purushas 187 Government 169, 172, 250, Guhasiva 112 337
Guillotine 56 Govt. employees 186
Guise 255 Govt. service 186
Gujarat 66, 115 Governor 141, 169, 170, 177, Gulf of Cambay 66
180, 184, 202, 351 Gullet 386 Governorship 177, 200 Gulpha river 74 Govinath 149
Gungeria (people) 77 Govinda pāla 290
Guntur distt. 224 Grāma 179
Gupta age 187, 210 Grammar 16, 142, 311 Gupta empire 231 Grammarians 142, 229 Gupta monarchs 368 Grants inscription) 20, 26, Guru (planet) 108
27 Grants of land 15, 30 Granite 72 Granite boulder 35 Granite gneiss 50
Habitation 63, 72, 351, 372
Haihayas 260 Granulated 51 Gratitude 189
Haihaya dynasty 38 Great Departure 219
Haimkosha 262
Hāla kshina 386 Greater Orissa 3
Halberds 342 Great victory palace 348 Grecco-Bactrians 230
Haldi river 5 Greeks 41, 42, 124, 130, 131,
Half disc 392 141, 148, 151, 152. 160 Hami (people) 77 168, 274, 275, 276, 277,
22 Handaxe 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 284, 371
61, 62 Greek accounts 201
Hand lathe 71 Greek geographer 123
Harappa 75, 80 Greek larguage 142
Harappa culture 79 Greek literature 121
Harbingers 147 Greek rule 230
Harbour 6, 201 Greek writer 122, 139, 200, Harpoons 78, 80 342
Haribhadriya Vritti 136 Grey ware pottery 290 Haritāśva 85 Gritty sandstone 393
Harivamśa puräņa 136, 260, Groove 218, 380, 394
263 Grottos 372
Harsha 38 Guard 206, 376, 380, 383, Harsha era 38 392
Harsha charit 34 Guard room 353
Harshavardhana 38 54
Groove 20stonery 290
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