the people of Kalinga are mentioned as being under the direct influence of the Sun.2
The rivers Mahānadi, Son, Narmada, Vetrāvati, Śiprā, Godāvari, Veņa (Kșishṇā) and Indus, the mountains Vindhya and Malaya, and the people of Chola, Dravida etc., are said to be under the influence of the son of Vāsudeva viz. Mangala (the Mars). When Bhauma is defeated by Sasija or the Budha, the people of Kalinga along with those of Śūrasena or Mathura and the Śālvas are troubled. When Sūkra (the Jupitar) is over-powered by Guru or Brihaspati then the the people of Kalinga, Vanga, Kośala, Vatsa (Vainsa or Kośāmbi), Matsya (Alwar state) and those of the Madhya-deśa (viz. central Uttara Pradeśa) are very much troubled. The people of Odra are mentioned along with the Țangaņas, the Andhras, the Vāhlikas, and the Kāšīs as the people who are troubled when śukra (the Jupitar) overpowers Śanaiśchara (the Saturn). The Bțihatsamhitā being a work on astrology, no arrangement or order can be expected among countries or nations under the influence of any particular planet.
The conclusion, however, is irresistible that the various references to Kalinga, Odra etc., clearly indicate that these
1. Original - “Prāngnarmadārddba sonodravangasuhmāḥ kalingavāblikāḥ
Saknyavanamagadhasavara prāgjyoti va chinakambojāḥ Mekalakirātakitakā vahirantah Sailajä pulindāscha Dravidānām prāgaddba dakshiņakūlai cha yamunāyāḥ Champodumbara kausāmbichedivindhyātavikalingascha Pundrāgolāngulaśrīparvatavarddhamänāti"
Brihatsambitā, Banaras, 1895, Vol. X, Port I, p. 36 (xvi, 1-3); Qtd. Banerji, H.O., Vol. I, p. 55. 2. XVI, 9-11 ; Qtd, Banerji, op. cit. 3. XVII, 13. 4. XVII, 22. 5. XVII, 25.
1,11.0., vol. I, p. 56.
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