ravas Aila was the progenitor of the great Aila race to which the kings of Kalinga belonged. The kings of Kalinga were, according to this tradition, like the previous one, Kshatriyas of the Lunar family.
The third form? agrees mostly with the second version, but places the transformation of īļa into manhood and back again into womanhood before Iļā met Budha of which union was born a son by name Purūrayas Aila. He was, quite in agreement with the other two traditions, the progenitor of the great Aiļa race to which the kings of Kalinga belonged. The kings of Kalinga, hence, like other traditions, were Kshatriyas of the Lunar family.
In this way, Iļā bore two kinds of sons--Purúrayas Aila, born to her by Budha when she was in the form of a woman,' and Utkala, Gayā and Haritāśva (or Vinatāśva or simply Vinata) born to her when she was transformed into a man named Sudyumna.3
As pointed out above, Manu had nine or ten sons. He divided the earth (i.e. Bhārata) into ten portions. Some Purāņas imply that kimpurusha Sudyumna had a portion, but others mention that he obtained none because he had been a woman. Nevertheless, the authorities generally declare--firstly, that he received the town of Pratishthāna
1. Vishyu, IV, 1, 5-11 ; Markandeya, 111 ; Bhagwata, IX, 1, 11-40.
2. Matsya, 24, 9-10; Vishņu, IV, 6, 20 ; Vāyu, 90, 45; 91, 1; Brahmånda, IJI, 65, 45; 66, 1; Crahma, 9, 33; 10, 1; Harivamsa, 25, 1357 ; 26, 1363 ; Caruda, I, 139, 2 ; AIHT, p. 254.
3. Váyu, 85, 18-19. Brahmānda, III, 60, 17-19; Brahma, 7, 17-19; Harive msa, 10, 631-2; Siva, VII, 60. 14-15; Linga, I, 65, 26-27; Agni, 272, 8-9; Matsya, 12, 16-18; Padma, V, 8, 121.3; AIHT, p. 254.
4. Váyu, 85, 20-1; Brahmãoda, III, 60, 20-1 ; Brahma, 7, 20.1 ; Harivaṁsa, 10, 633-5; Siva, VII, 60, 16; cf. Baudhayana, II, 2, 3, 2; AIHT, p. 254.
5. Matsya, 12, 18-19; Padma, V, 8, 123.4 ; AIHT, p. 254. 6. Vishnu, IV, 1, 12 ; Linga, I, 65, 29 ; AIHT, p. 255.
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