4 - The type of the perceived objects - Clairvoyance and telepathy
perceive all elements (living beings, matter, space, time etc.), but not all their features (e.g. their more subtle manifestations).
Direct mental perception only cognizes contents present in the consciousness of others. Yet it is capable of taking in even the subtlest insights others have realized in their life and integrated into their consciousness. Direct mental perception enables us to use the accumulated wisdom of another person as if it were our own. To what depth we perceive this depends exclusively on our own degree of realization.
While clairvoyance and telepathy work with the help of the mind, direct mental perception uses the mind only like a projection-screen of a movie theatre that enables the perception of a movie. The screen does not influence the original message of the movie, but the screen's quality may alter the clarity of what we perceive. In a similar way our mind mirrors the degree of our realization and thus determines to what depth we are able to perceive the other consciousness.
SUTRA 26 मतिश्रुतयोर्निबन्धो द्रव्येष्वसर्वपर्यायेषु ॥ २६ ॥ Matishrutayor nibandho dravyesva sarva paryayesu (26) Sense-perception and external knowledge perceive all six elements (living beings, matter, time etc.), but not all their features. (26) Sense-perception (mati) and scriptural knowledge (sruti) have access to only a limited range of the infinite multitude of features, forms and aspects the six elements can manifest. These two channels e.g.
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