2 - The dissolution of karma - Here we dissolve our remaining
karma once and for all. On this path we bypass level 11 and ascend via stage 8, 9, 10, 12, 13 to stage 14 and then to liberation. This path is the only way to liberation.
The second, more comprehensive and far superior intensity of direct perception (vipulamati) activates instantly once we begin to fundamentally dissolve our inclination to experience the
lower stages of development (our remaining karma). The ascent from stage 7 to stage 11 cannot be compared to any of the mechanisms we encounter in stage 1 to 4. Most people remain for a long time in stage 1 to 4 and regard any advance to higher stages as exceptional, arduous and difficult.
Yet as soon as we reach the fifth stage of development, the unfoldment of our consciousness accelerates considerably. Since some of the more advanced stages permit only a short duration of stay, continuous change is foreordained. We now regard the s from one stage to another as something natural and comfortable.
Our frequent ascent from stage 7 to stage 11 can be compared to practicing an approach run in sports. Like in training high jump, we prepare to take the last hurdle before the full unfoldment of our consciousness.
But the decision to dissolve all our remaining karma instead of just choosing its mere suspension is not easy. Though in stage 7 we clearly decided to go for ultimate freedom, subtle emotional tendencies still attach us to this world. As long as we are unwilling to depart the narrow experiences of the lower levels we completed long ago, we block ourselves from again assuming our majestic, unlimited self.
It is essential to understand that it is entirely OUR OWN decision when to dissolve our final bonds, - i.e. when to choose the second path that inevitably leads to ultimate freedom.
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