Everyone starts life with enthusiasm. With each step we venture into our new world we discover things unknown we explore with fascination, delight and wonder.
This fascination accompanies our early years. It reaches an absolute high when we fall in love for the first time and to our amazement discover within us an unexplored, dormant world of fantastic feelings, - a world whose existence we couldn't even have guessed at before and that now promises unfathomable ecstatic joy. This discovery inspires us to try out entirely new action-patterns and make us venture into utterly unknown areas of our life.
After this first ecstatic high our fascination usually diminishes. Inevitable disappointments cause us to be more cautious especially in the area of our emotions, so that deep pain may not overwhelm us too easily. Yet instead of searching how to renew the original enthusiasm that guided us so playfully in our early years, we now restrict everything that could fill our life with liveliness again.
More or less willingly we accept the advice whispered by our environment (school, relatives, friends etc.) that now the seriousness of
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