1753 (5) Yukti : This limb is read in - NS., DR., Śr. Pra., ND., BP., PR., NLRK. RS. and SD. NS. (XIX. 71b; pp. 39) -
"sampradhāraṇam arthānām yuktir ity abhidhīyate." DR. (I. 28; pp. 22) -
sampradhāraṇam arthānām yuktiḥ - This follows the NS. Śr. Pra. - (XII. pp. 506) -
"sampradhāranam arthānām yuktir ity abhidhīyate." This is NS. XIX. 71b. ND. - "Yuktiḥ krtya-vicāraṇā” - (I. 45; pp. 119)
This is placed at number ten. The sources consulted earlier have all placed it at no. 5. ND - vịtti explains - “vicāraṇā, guna-dosa-vivekataḥ kārya-paryā”locanam." B.P. - (pp. 208, line 14) -
“sampradhāraṇam arthānām
yuktir ity. abhidhīyate.” This follows the NS., DR and Śr. Pra. Actually the DR. and its followers, who we choose to call the Mālava school of Aesthetics, also normally follow the NS. Bharata's dictate is hardly challanged or over-ruled. PR. (pp. 78, nāțaka-prakaraņa)
"bījā’nukūla - samghatana-prayojana-vicāro yukti).” The PR. after enumerating the anga-s of the mukha-sandhi (kā. 9) observes : "...anvarthäni yathäkramam.” Kumārasvāmin, the commentator observes (pp. 77): anvarthānī'ti - na prthak laksaņā’pekṣā iti bhāvaḥ. (9). tathā’pi mandabuddhyanugrahártham upakṣepā”dīnām krameņa lakṣaṇam pratijānīte. yathākramam eşām iti. kanțaka-sodhanam anga-laksanānām yathāyogam udāharana-pradeśa eva karisyāmaḥ mithaḥ prayoga-kramo na vivakṣitaḥ iti vaksyāmah.” NLRK. (pp. 59; Kā. 75)
"arthānām sampradhāraṇam yuktih." This follows the NS., DR., etc. NLRK. quotes NS. (XXI - 67 Chow.)
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