60. Take copper of the wing of peacock, put it into a crucible and make fire underneath slowly and slowly, grind some wild cowdung and spread out the same into it and melt copper. There becomes gold. It is certain.
61. Take the wing of peacock-10 srs., put it into an earthen pot; next put Teliu borax tā. 3 into it; put the powder of the wing of peacock 5 srs. again over it (borax) inside. Heat the pot by litting fire. There comes out in it copper tā 3. If it does not become silver-like, take out copper by washing and giving it with borax.
62. If accomplished galija mercury is found, put it into a crucible and put a little oxide of arsenic. Lit fire under it, go on giving covā (drops) of the juice of Lippia nodiflora (galapipar). Mercury will turn into silver.
63. Take tail of peacock 2 3/4 srs. Take 2 big earthen lids (Sarāvalā), put it into them, close the two by putting borax tā 3 into them, next give (put) a layer of cloth and clay over them by closing them. Give it gajaputāgni. Then open the Samputa and blow ashes from it. There will come out gold 14 māsās from it. Make a small and thin pot out of it. (gold). Put mercury into it as far as it can contain. Put a little quantity of wild dry cowdung cakes over it, hold (lit) fire on it. There becomes gold. Again mercury becomes gold in that kulaại put in this way. True.
As many times, as gold is made, there becomes gold. It is the wishyielding cup like kāmadhenu (Wish-yielding cow).
64. (Take) the powder (or grains) of pure gajavela iron-pai. 4, put the juice of citrus medica (jaṁVira)-2 srs. into a glass-casket and a pot of Nimadas, put the powder of iron into Nimada (neem ?), put the powder of iron into them and close the mouth. Stir it up in (for) 4 or 5 days, again keep it, again stir it up for 4 or 5 days. In this way keep the same for 25 days. Iron, getting melted, becomes water. Reduce mercury to paste with all these; after rubbing, mercury becomes butter-like, True.
65. Salt (lūna), hāra (khāra ?) and alkalior caustics (Khāra) are (found) in Madakaranakunda in the Deccan (South). If there is brass 12 paisā bhāra, take pai or 2į bhārs of salt (lana) and Rāra, alkali (Khāra) (of the same quantity of each ?). First if brass is pai. 12, take swine's milk pai. 5 bhār. Smear the leaf (of brass?) three times, give fire to it. Next crush alkali with water, smear it (with it) and give it fire; put it into a crucible and blow it into the fire of dry wild cow dung cakes up to an hour. On its getting cooled down, take it out. There becomes silver.
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