By digging a pit of yard (cubic), put 3 layers of cloth and clay · over it (box), give it fire of dry wild cowdung cakes by placing it into the
pit. Take the white thing which comes up, and mix 1 māsā of that essence into 1 tola of copper.
If sveta (white thing) does not come up. there is ash lying under, take that while mercury lying at the bottom becomes all-piercing., melt it, that melted water is the essence, dip brass in oil 7 times, then cast 4 māsās of silver into of the essence,' pumāvacanı- (words of Puma).
Melt (or heat) realgar 8 and kaganel (not identified) 83 and for 24 praharas (3 days), Mix 1 rati of the essence into silver vāla, 1. There becomes gold of 13 carats.”
Cook realgar 33 orpiment 2 and cinnabar 29 in a Dolikā-yantra for 24 praharas, mix the whole thing with Kāganel 6 srs. After performing 3 Bhairava pūjās it is completed."
Melt silver vāla 1, put 1 rati of the essence gold of 13 carats. Test is experimented. 3
into it. There becomes
Grind together Herpestes monninera vāla 1. Centipeda orbicularis vāla 1 or Herpestes 1.and Centipeda orbicularis vāla
and Centipeda' orbicularis vāla 33, Mahia Varaha mộtikā (soil) 30 srs., realgar 6, and Kanauji golden pyritë 6, mercury tā 6, cinnabar tā 6, go(damtı) orpiment tā. 6, Dādamiu Malla (oxide of arsenic) ţā. 6, sulphur tā 6=thus 42 tā and cast the whole thing in a vessel. After 42 days oil or their essence is to be taken out in a patalayantra. Smear the leaf of silver with that essence. (There becomes) gold.
Give 65. pațas (roastings) of citrus medica to cinnabar. Mix the essence ga. 1 into copper vāla 1, (gold)
Rub together cinnabar tā 1, Phitaki Malla (oxide of arsenic) 1, sulphur 1, Mastakı (Distacia Lentiscus) and seed of Luffa chinata Kukada vela) 1 in the juice of Aloe vera tā ; e.
1. SRSS., Ch. 11. 2. 40. 2. SRSS., Ch. 12, 7. 3. Ibid. Ch. 12. 8. 4. SRSS., Ch. 12. 9. 5. Ibid., 6. SRSS. Ch. 12. 10.
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