Make lump of 1 tela of mercury and 2 tolas of zinc. Next put 2 tolas of mercury into a silver pot (dāvaḍı) and put a layer of clay and cloth, give it gajaputagni for 12 praharas. On its getting cooled down, take it out. Combine 11 masa of the essence with I tola of copper.
(There will be gold ?)1
Give 22 putas of urine, of tiger to mineral calamine-gadryana 1, borax tā 1, turmeric gadiyana 1, Sovanarakhiu kaca (a kind of glass) ga. 1 and Malavi molasses ga. 12; get dried all medicines except molasses in the sunshine and pound them. Mix 2 gadiyana of the powder (grain) of silver into them. Next put the whole thing into molasses and make lump and melt in a crucible up to 1 prahara.
There will be gold, silver carat 10 or 11. Thus is the process of making gold."
Kill mercury, sulphur, Kaneri realgar, orpiment and oxide of arsenic with the juice of Aristo lochia bracteata, apply the essence to silver, it becomes gold. It is said by the dispassionate.3
Grind and crush Gujarati orpiment, Bagdadi patrali (leaves) and reduce them to small particles. Rub them in a mortar with the juice of onion for 3 or 4 days, When the combination is heated, then it burns like wax. Then know that puta is ripe (cooked), next put it into a bottle." Dig a pit measuring equal to the height, of the head of man and fill it up with the horse-dung. Keep the bottle into the horse dung for 6 months, then take it out, the copper leaf. There becomes gold. “
Mix tin sr, and mercury sr. with rice meal-milk, curd, clarified butter, urine and stool for 21 days and heat (or burn) the mixture in a furnace for 1 praharas. Put 4 ratis of the essence into 1 tola of copper by melting it. There becomes. gold.
2020 06
Put the juies of tumbi (Long gourd) ta 5 and the juice of Disòspyros embryopteris (Tiḍu) tā. 5 seven times, into Copper (ta) 3 by washing (purifying) it. There becomes gold."
1. SRSS. Ch. 4, 27
2. SRSS., Ch. 4. 28 3. SRSS., Ch. 5. 3 4. SRSS., Ch, 5. 3x 5. SRSS., Ch. 5. 4 6. lbid., Ch. 5. 5
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