lead white, i some chemical processes, 2 process .cf making iron, 3 that of making silver, 4 that of burning of mercury, 5 process of making cinnabar, 6 white cinnabar, 7 mercurial preparation of pill for old fever, 8 medicines for fevers, 9 all types of fever, 10 mercurial medicine for appetite and sex-exciting;11 medicine for impotency, 12 mercurial medicines for all types of fever, cough and chilliness, 13 mercurial medicine for typhoid fever, 14 etc., medic re for intermittent fevers - tryahnik and caturāhnik 15 (tertian and quartion) mercurial medicines for fevers, 15 mercurial medicines for all feversrheumatic fevers, 17 medicine for impotency, gastralgia and sex-excitation and for lost sexual power, 18 reducing of mercury to ashes, 19 process of making mercury silver - like, 20 killing of mercury, 21 purification of mercury, 22 making it white, chemical essence, 23 fixation of mercury, 24 process of silver-making, 25 some chemical processes 26 Khahipo Khamina Mudrā, 27 making seal in the medicine of Menamudrā, as process of calomel
1. Ibid. ch. 9. 9 2. Ibid. ch, 9, 10, 19. 3. Ibid. ch. 9. 11. 4. Ibid. ch. 9. 12, 13. 5. Ibid. ch. 9. 14. 6. Ibid. ch. 9. 15, 17, 18, 44 7. Ibid. ch. 9. 16. 8. Ibid. ch. 9. 20. 9. Ibid. ch. 9. 21, 30. 10. Ibid. ch. 9. 22. 11. Ibid. ch. 9. 23. 12. Ibid. ch. 9. 24. 13. Ibid. ch. 9. 25. 14. Ibid. ch. 9. 26. 15. Icid. ch. 9. 27. 16. Ibid. ch. 9. 17. Ibid. ch. 9. 29. 18. Ibid. ch. 9. 19. Ibid. ch. 9. 32. 20. Ibid. ch. 9. 33. 21. Ibid. ch. 9, 34. 22. Ibid. ch. 9. 35. 23. Ibid. ch. 9, 36. 24. Ibid. ch. 9. 37, 38. 25. Ibid. ch. 9. 39, 41, 47, 52. 26. Ibid. ch. 9, 40, 41x, 42, 45, 46, 49, 53, 54, 56, 66, 27. Ibid. ch. 9. 40x, 28. Ibid. 'ch. 9. 40y.
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