The MS. is written on a thick palm-leaf and its black ink is well preserved. The corrections in the MS. are indicated by a kakapada in the line and the same in the margin. Usual punctuation signs, i. e. daņda and ardha
danda, are used. Vertical strokes over the words are used as a device for . the punctuations. Usually paļimātrā is used.
The MS. begins with :- “Sri Gotamāya namah atha Samskrtaprākrtāpabramśabhāṣayā svarṇarūpya-siddhayo limkhyante gadyapadyabaṁdhena" and ends with “mayā lekhi lokānām duhkhanāśins dine, kşayatrtiyāyām Jinadattena sariņā”
The text presented by this MS. is as good as an autograph copy, but at the same time an autopsy and a comparison with MS. - B. show that the haplographies and other eye-mistakes cannot be explained with the existence of a lost autograph. This MS. is counted as the main one in the prepared edition of the Suvarna-Raupya-Siddhi-śāstra.
MS. B. This is also a well-preserved MS. in good hand writing (m Deyanagri Script). It has 17 patras (folios), measuring 41x9 c. m. = 164"x34", margins of 2 c. m. = half inch on right and left, a little less on top and bottom; 21-23 lines to a page except the last one which contains 10 lines.
The marginal space does note vary and the whole MS. is written by one hand. It has an average of 90-108 letters to a line due to the space left in the middle.
The colophons (see the last stanza of the 14th chapter) give the same date of composition) that it was composed by Jinadatta Sūri on Akşayatrtîya day, VS. 1210. The elaborate praśasti stanza at the end gives the genealogy of the teacher of the author.
The margins of the text are indicated by thick silvery lines on both sides. The MS. is written on a thick red paper with silvery ink. The corrections in the MS. are indicated by a Kākapada in the line and the same in the margin. Usual punctuation signs, i. e. of daņda and ardha-daņda, are used. Vertical strokes over the words are used as a device for the punctuations. Usually paļimātrā is used.
This MS. begins with “Om Gaņeśāya namah. Atha Samskrta-prakrtaApabhraṁsa-bhāṣayā limkyamte”, etc. and ends with "dine kşayatstîyayāni Jinadattena Sūriņa", as found in MS-A.
The text preserved by this MS-B. is as good as that of MS.-A.
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