horbia Antiquorum 44 srs. Oil 44 Srs., and the juice of datura 3/4 sr. into an iron pan and give the cake of Udad into them), give it fire of wood of Calotropis gigantea for 4 praharas. Take it out in the morning. Keep it up to the evening, allow it (to) settle.
(34x) Rakr. Karaga , mineral calamine, cinnabar, varanārı?, give tāsu, (making) jāri rati. Vatrisi" 11. Give randi mundi, bhāu5 holds the umbrella-the king of great mandala (kingdom).
(35) Take cinnamon bark (taja) pai. 1, Alangium lamarki (Akalkaro), Rheum emodi pai (Revamcini) pārā (mercury) 1, make a cup of silver' to. 1.
Put these things into it and crush it. Next drench (put) the wine of Muhuậā (Bassia latifolia)–5 srs. and the juice of lemon 5 srs. into the cup. Next when khicaại (hotchpotch) 100 srs. bubbles, then put the whole into it. Then close the mouth and make smearing over it.
Aum Salutation, mā māmauli mānurāni avyā jāņi ulāhamtyārı sakti hām; him Aghoramantra svāhā 10200 japaḥ (recitations.) Amsta Samijivanividyā-Siddhiḥ. 1, Not identifild. 2, Not identifild. 3. Meaning is not clear 4. Not diciphered. 5, Not Icear .
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