(1.) Liquefy lead 1 sr, and give drops (cūyā) of Alata (a kind of Vanaspati). It is to be stirred up with a wooden piece of Butea frondosa. When the thing gets reduced to ash, take it out. Next melt silver ma. 2 and the essence mā. 2 together, gold.
(2.) Give 7 saturations to mineral calamine țā. 1, mercury tā 1, orpiment tā. 1, realgar (tā) 1, alum (tā) 1, white glass (svetakāca) (tā) 1,seasalt (Saindhave) (tā)-1, natron (tā) 1, and borax (țā). 1, with the milk of calotropis gigantea. Next smear the leaf of copper (with the essence), heat it three times in a covered crucible, pour it into the urine of ass, butter-milk and cowdung. It becomes silver.
(3.) Combine purified mercury ga. 10 and purified lead ga. 10 and put them into an earthen vessel, place it on a furnace (oven), give 14 cayās of. Hamsapadi (a kind of vanaspati) to the mixture. Stir it up with the wooden piece of Buta frondosa (palāga) or Ailanthus excelsa Rox 6 (Aradusā). Smear the essence on the leaf of Copper bhā. 12 and silver vāla 8 and melt them. Gold.
The king of Rucaka' and Lacaka? informs thus.
(4) Make pieces of human hair į Sr. measuring 2 fingers long, by cutting it. Next put 1 seer of lime and 1 seer of natron together into 2 seers of tiger's urine and boil them. When there remain 5 seers of urine, take out good essence. Then put hair into that urine and hold it on fire till all pieces of hair get melted. Next pound 1 seer of realgar, 1 seer of orpiment and 1 seer of mica and make cake of them. Rub these things with the urine in a mortar. When all urine gets mixed up (absorbed), take out the thing and get it dried up. Next make piùi (cake) by rubbing tili (seed of sesamum ?). Put it into a glass casket and give a layer of cloth and clay over it (Sadhara). Then place it on the furnace, give clay to the left and right side of it, give much, give fire of Khicaļi (coal, wood, etc). Take it out, on its getting cooled down. Hair and essence get separated. Mix the essence ga. 1 into copper gadiyānā 16. (There becomes) silver.
(1). Not yet identified. (2) Ibid.
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