Pātālamadhu before (a kind of honey ?) before the sunset, and Satapudā Kaņavira (Şeven-leaved sweet-scented oleander) at the root, which has been taken at night, rub these two things and make netrānjana (collyrium for eye). Tie or bind 7 leaves of pipala (piper longum) over the eyes of a boy born in pādajāta or Mūlanakṣatra. If seen into the mouth of veļakā (frog), he sees wealth.
(16) Take the juice of wild Amaranthus tricolous var, tristis (Tāndalo)4 Sr. and clarified butter -1 Sr. Any kind of poison comes out of the body, if they are taken together. If the juice of Soapalery (Trifoliatus Sapindus) press out of its choli (bark) is drunk with water, all non-moving poison will come out.
(17) Make wet (drench) opium, copper, lead, orpiment tā 2, sulphur 4 (ta), thutho (a kind of poision) tā 4, Kalicano (lime) tā=6 in the milk of calotropis gigantea and close the crucible by putting them into it, give it fire of 1 topali (basket) of dry wild, couwdung cakes. On its being smokeless, take it out. Give seven or twenty one puțas to them. There becomes the essence. Give it into amalasāra sulphur. (17x) Jalayantra :
Wash (purify) mercury tā-3 in the water of Triphala-āmalaki (Phyllanthus emblica), haritaki (Terminalia chebula) and vahedā (Senecarpus anacardium) and rub it in a mortar for 3 days, in the juice of citrus lemon for 3 days.
Make a ball of mercury to.-1, āmalsāro sulphur to.-6, sal-ammoniac to.-1 and killed white lead to. 1 with the juice of Aloe verā. Cast it into a Jalayantra and worship Kșetrapāla. Then again worship Kșetrapāla. (Give it) fire-high, medium and low. First dipagni for 4 praharas, then dhānyagni for 4 praharas, then bhātāgni for 8 praharas, then bhātāgni for 16 praharas or (give it all dhānyāgni for 16 praharas. Next the essence is accomplished. Mix 1 ratı of the essence into 1 tola of silver, copper and lead also. Thus is Talayantra. True.
(18) (Take) Harabası-its name :- (1) rice, (2) Shrebera Surietenioides ? (Naravası) (3) Rubia cordifolia (Majith) (4) Liquorice root = glycyrrhiza (Jethimadh) and (5) Rheum emodi (Revamcini). Crush these five (things) and take equal portion of each of them. Put 1 māsā of mercury under and 1 māsā of it over it in a Vajramūsā (Strong Crucible); put two rates of mercury with 2 māsās of medicine. Mercury swells, mercury should be seen Dhedhun ? But Jina knows the tattva (principle). (Mix mercury) with Ricinus, communis and centipeda orbicularis (earandi and chikani). (Mercury) becomes butter-like.
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