The given day corresponds to Thursday, 7 February, A.C. 1213. However, according to the Surya Siddhānta, the given tithi commenced about 11 m. 35 se. after local sunrise on Thursday. But the sunrise occurred about 1 h. 24 m. after the commencement of the given tithi according to the Brahma Siddhānta. This means that the sunrise took place during the given tihi, which would be ascribed to the entire day.
298. V. 1270-JPLS., Part ii, No. 932, Cambay image inscription
Sam. 1270, Vaiśākha, su.di. 6, Ravi
V. 1270 current Caitrādi: suppressed between sunrise on Sunday, 8 April, A.C. 1212 and sunrise on the next day.
V. 1270 expired Caitrādi: Suppressed between sun(or current Kärttikādi) rise on Saturday, 27 April, A.C. 1213 and sunrise on the next day.
V. 1270 expired Kārttikādi: Thursday, 17 April, A.C. 1214.
According to to the reading given, the given date applies only to the current Caitrādi system. On calculation it is found that the given tithi commenced about 42 m. 46 se. after local sunrise on Sunday according to the Surya Siddhanta, while it commenced about 21 m. 8 se. before sunrise on that day according to the Brahma Siddhanta. It means that the given date well applies to the Brahma Siddhānta.`
299 V. 1311-JPLS, Part ii, No. 1092, Cambay image inscription
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