231 Of the 43 definite dates 32 dates give indication about Kārttikādi and Caitrādi years. The results, tabulated below, indicate that the dates applying to Kārttikādi years form a great majority. Dates applying to Dates applying to Total Kārttikādi years Caitrādi years Nos. 215 – 231, Nos. 212–214, 235 - 238 243, 244 246, 248 and 250 and 251 - 253 Total 26
• 32 Number
Of the 43 definite dates only 13 dates are known as applying to Amānta or Pūrņimānta months. They may be tabulated as follows :Dates applying to Dates applying to
Total Amānta months Pūrņimānta months Kārtti- Cait- either Kārtti- Cait- either kādi rādi
kādi rādi 236 - 248 232–234 235 250 - 238,
and 239 and
244 253
14 2 1 - 10
13 Here also the dates applying to Amānta months form a majority. Therein 5 Amānta dates and 2 Pūrnim. ānta dates are coupled with Kārttikādi years, while only 1 Amānta date and 1 Purnimānta date are coupled with Caitrādi years.
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