197 V. 1204 expired Kārttikādi : Friday, 23 April, A.C.
1148 On the last date mentioned above the given tithi fell on Friday according to the Sürya Siddhānta'. But on calculating according to the Brahma Siddhānta, it is found to have commenced about 2 m. 41 se. before local sunrise on Thursday. Thus the given tithi would be ascribed to the given week-day in regular course. 196. V. 1914-KT., Appe. No. 13, Kumbhariya image
Sam 1214. Phālguna, ba.di. 7, Sukra V. 1214 current, - Pūrņimānta : Sunday, 3 February, A.C.
1157 Amānta : Tuesday, 5. March, A.C. 1157 V. 1214 expired, - Pūrạimānta : Thursday, 23 January, A.C.
1158 Amānta : Saturday, 22 February, A.C. 1158 The given date would correspound to Friday, 21 February, A.C. 1158, if it was taken as connected with the week-day on which it commenced. It commenced as late as about 12 h. 51 m. after mean sunrise on that day. It is also probable that some particulars in the date may be recorded or read wrongly. The dark fortnight should be corrected into bright fortnight. In that case the date would correspond to Friday, 7 February, A.C. 1158. The tiihi ended about 10 h. 27 m. after mean sunrise on that day, 1. It commenced about 1 h, 31 m. after local sunrise on Thursday.
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