found—either without the slightest alteration or with an agreement as to meaning—in the commentary on Tattvārthabhāsya composed by Siddhasena, the disciple of Bhāsvāmin and granddisciple of Simhasūri. On the basis of that this much is irrefutably proved that the person treated as gandhahastin is not Siddhasena Divākara as is understood by the current tradition but Siddhasena, the disciple of Bhāsvāmin, who wrote the presently available commenatary on Tattvārthabhāsya. On account of the similarity of names as also on account of a consideration that only Siddhasena Divākara famous as a mighty disputant and a
"ha ca gandhahastī nidrādayaḥ samadhigatāyā eva darśanalabdher upaghāte vartante darśanāvaranacatustāyam tūdgamoccheditvāt samūlaghātam hanti darśanalabdhim iti"-Siddhaseniya Vrtti on Pravacanasāroddhāra, p. 358, line 5. Malayagiri's Sittaritīkā, gāthā 5. Devendra's Tikā on Karmagrantha I, gāthā 12.
"yā tu bhavasthakevalino dvividhasya sayogāyogabhedasya siddhasya vā darśanamohaniyasaptaksayad apāyasaddravyaksayāc codapādi sā sādir aparyavasānā iti" -Tattvārthabhāsya Vrtti, p. 59.
"yad āha gandhahasti-bhavasthakevalino dividhasya sayogāyogabhedasya siddhasya vā darśanamohaniyasaptakaksayāvirbhūtā samyagdrstih šādir aparyavasānā iti"—Navapadavrtti, p. 88.
"tatra yā'pāyasaddravyavartini śrenikādinām saddravyāpagame ca bhavati apāyasahacarini sā sādisaparyavasānā."--Tattvārthabhāsya Vrtti, p. 59, line 27.
"yad uktam gandhahastinā-tatra ya'payasaddravyavartini-apāyo matijñānāṁśaḥ saddravyāņi-Suddhasamyaktvadalikāni tadvartini śrenikādīnāṁ ca saddravyāpagame bhavatyapāyasahacāriņī sā sādisaparyavasānā iti"--Navapadavrtti," p. 88.
"prāṇāpānāv ucсhvāsaniḥśvāsakriyālakṣaṇau”—Tattvārthabhāsya vrtti, p. 161, line 13.
"yad aha gandhahasti-prānāpānau-ucchvāsanihśvāsau iti”— Dharmasangrahaņīvítti, p. 42, line 2.
"ata eve ca bhedaḥ pradeśānām avayavānāṁ ca, ye na jātucid vastuvyatirekenopalabhyante te pradeśāh, ye tu visakalitāḥ parikalitamūrtayah prajñāpatham avataranti te'vayavā iti”—Tattvārthabhāsyavrtti, p. 328, line 21.
"yad apy avayavapradeśayor gandhahastyādisy bhedo'sti”— Syādvādamañjari, p. 63, verse 9.
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