their life-duration
172 Tālapiśāca a god-class 155 Tumburava a god-class 155 Tumbaru a god-class
155 Tușita a god-class
165 Tüşņīka a god-class
155 Dikkumāra a god-class its
symbol 152 Devakuru a subregion of a world-region 138 def.
141 Deha a god-class
155 Dvipakumāra a god-class 152 its symbol
154 Dharana a god-chief
149 his life-duration
168 Dhātakīkhanda a world-continent
139 an account of it
142 Dhūmaprabhā a hell
127 why so called
130 the number of prastaras in it
131 the number of hellish
residing places in it 132 leśyā in it
132 vedana in it
133 life-duration in it
135 coming in it after death and going from it after death
135 the possibility of continents, oceans etc. in it
136 Naksatra a god-class
152 their height
156 Nāgakumāra a god-class its symbol
152 Nārada a god-class
155 Nişadha a world-mountain 138
def. Nila a world-mountain
138 def. Pankaprabhā a hell
127 (references as in
Dhūmaprabhā) Pataka a god-class
155 Paramădhārmika a god-class
134, 137 Piśāca a god-class
152 its 15 sub-classes
155 Purusa a god-class
154 Purusavrsabha a god-class 155 Purusottama a god-class 155 Puskarārdha-dvīpa
inner half of the worldcontinent Puskara (also called Puskaravara) 138 an account of it
142 Puskārodadhi a world-ocean 139 Pūrņa a god-chief
149 Purnabhadra a god chief
149 a god-class
155 Praticchanna a god-class 155 Partirūpa a god-chief
149 a god-class
155 Pranata (i) a god-chief 150
(ii) a heaven (references as in Acyuta) 150 Bali a god-chief
149 his life-duration
168 Budha a planet, a god-class 156 Brahmarāksasa a god-class 155 Brahmaloka a heaven
153 (references as in Acyuta) Brahmottara a heaven
153 Bhavanapati a god-class its ten types
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